How Debt Consolidation Can Make Your Life Easier

Jul 20, 2020

For many families debt is a way of life. In 2016 the Australian Bureau of Statistics recorded that 74% of Australians had some form of debt with the average amount of debt being $149,600. Some families also have multiple sources of debt such as car loans, phone repayments, personal debt, etc. Debt consolidation is a highly viable way for many families to better manage this by getting a singular loan to eliminate the need for multiple repayments and renegotiate terms that are more favourable for the individual in their current situation.

Does Debt Consolidation Work?

For many families yes but not everyone. Like everything else regarding to debt and loans it depends on your specific situation. For debt consolidation to be truly valuable to you there is a real need to identify whether it will make it easier for you to repay and/or manage your existing debt requirement. Ask yourself “will me getting my debt in one place enable me to better pay off my obligations or will it just add more stress and confusion to the current situation? Will this enable me to pay off my obligations quicker or will this just add more fees and repayments?” If you discover these will make it easier and cheaper for you to pay off your debt that debt consolidation may be for you.

Why People Choose Debt Consolidation Over Other Options

Although it may seem great to ask your lender to pause your repayments your credit score may not always agree with you. In many cases asking for special considerations on an existing loan could leave a negative mark next to your name that could haunt you for years to come. If you were to get a consolidation loan on the other hand the repayments from this source of debt could stop and your repayments renegotiated to suit your new situation without negatively affecting your credit score. For individuals who find themselves overwhelmed by multiple debts, debt consolidation is often chosen over asking to stop repayments with multiple lenders as it allows you to negotiate new repayment that is easier for you to maintain in your current situation.

So is a debt consolidation loan right for you? Well that’s for you to decide. However if you ever need a debt consolidation loan we are here to help 😀

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